Safety Gear Primer, Ride Pads

Oct. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
  PADS Pads are an important part of ride gear, especially knee pads. While riding your knees are knocking against the gas tank and other parts of the quad. If you fall, the knees are usually the first to hit the ground. Remember as a kid how many pairs of Levi’s you went through learning to ride your bike. Riding knee pads also protect the top of your shin which can be another area prone to injury. Additional pads can include hip pads, elbow pads and also a cup. If you are concerned about your family jewels, I suggest riding with a cup. Most ride pants come with a good set of knee and hip pads. Extra cost can run anywhere from $25 - $75.

[ Helmet | Goggles | Jersey | Chest Protector ]
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