Ride Gear - Boots

Oct. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
  BOOTS - REQUIRED GEAR Good riding boots are another part of every riders required riding gear. Hiking boots should never be used as a substitute for good riding boots. Ride boots protect the shin, ankle and toes. They have extra heavy soles used for gripping the pegs and toe protection for when and if your foot hits the ground while riding. Boots are especially necessary if your quad doesn’t have nerf bars. If your foot falls off the pegs on a quad you want as much foot and lower leg protection as possible. I have even heard of people breaking their leg while kick starting their quad without wearing the proper riding boots. Prices range from $100 -$175. ALWAYS WEAR PROPER RIDING BOOTS!

[ Helmet | Goggles | Jersey | Chest Protector ]
Kidney Belt | Gloves | Pants | Knee Pads | Boots]

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