Ride Gear - Helmet

Oct. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
  HELMET - REQUIRED GEAR A helmet along with a goggles, gloves and boots are part of the required gear that you must always wear while riding. Helmets are designed to minimize any head injury that might occur during a crash. Even minor crashes can result in major head injuries if no helmet is worn. Make sure that the helmet you wear is rated by ANSI or SNELL. These are testing services that rate helmets and make sure that it will do its job. You wont get a second chance if it doesn’t work the first time. Consult your local motorcycle shop for proper fit. A full face model is always recommended. It will offer more protection to your lower face and chin. Prices rang from $75 -$300. This is a small price to pay to protect your head. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET WHILE RIDING! Note: The black box on the side of the helmet above is a helmet radio so riders can communicate on the trail.

[Helmet | Goggles | Jersey | Chest Protector ]
Kidney Belt | Gloves | Pants | Knee Pads | Boots ]

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