Ride Gear - Goggles

Oct. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
  GOGGLES - REQUIRED GEAR Goggles along with a helmet, gloves and boots are required gear that you must always wear while riding. This is because while riding there is always the danger of a piece of dirt, rock or other object getting flung up into your face both from the trail and from the rider in front of you. Goggles will minimize the opportunity for this debris to cause any damage to your eyes. They come in all sorts of colors and styles ranging in price from about $10 - $25. Some are even made to be worn over existing prescription glasses. Most have replaceable lenses and you can even get different tints for different riding conditions. If you ride in mud, you will want to get what is called "tear offs" or "roll offs"…These are simply a thin disposable lense that sits on top of you main goggle lens. When they get dirty you simply tear a lens away (or roll one off) and you are able to see again. Remember you only have one set of eyes ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GOGGLES!

[ Helmet | Goggles | Jersey | Chest Protector ]
Kidney Belt | Gloves | Pants | Knee Pads | Boots ]

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