HOA Nevada Mines Trip Report

Day 1 Pictorial

Mar. 01, 1997 By ORC STAFF

  • March 1997 - Republished October 2004


This is the first shot as we hit the dirt. We have just got off of the highway and are beginning the trek across the Adobe Flat. Look at all that stuff on Terry and Lynn's truck. They were set for a two week trip.

Here's Brad leading the way after we crossed Adobe Flat. With more maps than toilet paper (it seemed), he will be guiding us for the trip. Everything was entered into his GPS to make navigation easy. We had at least 4 GPS's going.

After Adobe Flat, we had to cross the Adobe Hills seen in the background. There was a narrow trail with rocks that had to be negotiated to enter the Huntoon Valley. After lunch, we are stopped to check out "Cow Camp". It looked like somebody may have lived here pretty recently. We almost all managed to stop in a line but you can't see everybody here.

Continuting on, we headed north to cross the mountains you see ahead. You can see the HUMMERs in front of me.

Here's our truck. We had some muddy sections, yes, believe it or not.

Look at this view!! It is actually a very shallow pool. The snow capped mountains in the background are actually the Sierra Nevadas in California.

We did manage to lose the trail quite often. Here you see Evert and Everett heading down a ravine that we hope leads to Marietta. It narrowed up and had to traverse some good rocks.

As the story says, we got to stay on a rancher's property the first night. Lisa and I were expecting some foul weather possibly and there is nothing worse than setting up and taking down a wet tent every morning. Here is our "bunk beds" across the rear seats of our open top. It is actually roomier than it looks. We also used a 12V heater running off of some gel cells to take the chill off at night.

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