The Scout frame has some areas that need to be watched and beefed up. These areas are prone to fatigue and cracking (see sketch below). The first area that needs reinforcing is behind the steering box. Remove the steering box from the frame (3-bolts), clean and inspect the frame for cracks. If cracks are present drill and weld cracks. Grind the frame smooth behind the steering box so that the reinforcement plate will contact the full face of the frame. Cut out a 3/16" or 1/4" plate that matches the sketch below. drill out the three steering box bolt holes to match the frame. Reinstall the steering gear box with NEW grade 8 bolts. This reinforcement plate will prevent further cracking by distributing the load of the steering gear box over a greater area of the frame. The second area that needs to be reinforced is behind the rear spring hanger for the front springs (see sketch below). Inspect the area for cracks, grind and weld any cracks you find. Cut out 3/16" or 1/4" triangle braces (see sketch below). Weld these triangle braces behind the corners of the rear front spring hanger parallel to the frame. Inspect the body mount located near the rear front spring hanger for cracking. I you notice cracking grind and weld. We have installed small triangle braces on the bottom of these body mounts. These triangle braces are welded so that they catch the bottom corners of the frame rail. Check all spring hangers for cracking. ![]()