Doug Thorley Headers of Corona, California makes a fully smog legal (the only one to be so certified of which I am aware) header for the Samurai 1.3L engine (Part #700Y). It can also be used by those that have replaced their block with an 8-valve Sidekick or Tracker 1.6L engine and used the Samurai head. The header has both the manifold tube and the air intake pre-heat hose fitting, which some headers lack. I had my header installed by Petroworks Off-Road Products during the course of my spring-over-axle conversion. The smog legal aspect was my main decision point in the purchase of this header. (California smog checks are best dealt with in advance.) The fact that the Thorley had what appeared to be the heaviest gauge tubing and the best workmanship was a bonus. Installation is straight-forward, with the only "tricky" point being the test fitting of the collector-to-exhaust pipe adapter to ensure it will properly mate up with the short piece of pipe that serves as the catalytic converter's input. Once everything is lined up, the adapter must be welded to the cat input pipe to meet California emissions requirements. If you read and follow the instructions provided by Thorley with the header, you should have no problem with this unit. The only "follow-up" to installation is post installation bolt-tightening; important in preventing leaks. Thorley's instructions provide what has so far been an effective procedure for maintaining fasteners at the proper torque specs.