Petroworks High Output Alternator Kit

Nov. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF

This is a complete and thoroughly thought-out kit. Everything you need is included.

The bracket is of welded construction, made from heavy steel plate. The welds are of Petroworks' usual high quality. All wiring is well assembled and insulated with shrink-wrap where necessary. Connectors are crimped and soldered in place. The installation instructions are complete and everything fits perfectly; installation was a no-brainer.

The mounted alternator. Click for a larger image!There's a noticeable improvement in the electrical system after installation. All of Suzushi's lights were brighter, didn't vary radically with engine RPM as they had on the stock system and I didn't spend a day wheeling only to find my battery needing some charging.

--Scott Gomez

Photo courtesy of Petroworks Off-Road Products Newsletter
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