Enjoy this month�s submissions, and feel free to send in your off-road rig for a future Reader Rides (see below for info).
Name: Phill (A.K.A. Phillbilly)
Ride: �87 Suzuki Samurai (A.K.A. "SPLATTT!")
Key Upgrades: Cage, maxed-out �Yota axles, custom bumpers
Forum Member: Gotmudd.com, Cincinnati Offroad Enthusiasts, Hardlinecrawlers.com, zukikrawlers.com, bbs.zuwharrie.com
Favorite Riding Spot: Harlan - Black Mountain (Evarts, KY),
Dirty Turtle Off-Road Park
Favorite Moto: "Jeeps are cool but Samurais rule!"

Name: Marcus
Ride: 1996 Ford Bronco XLT 5.8 V8
Key Upgrades: Mostly Stock besides a 2'' rear lift
Favorite Riding Spot: �I like going to Rausch Creek Off-Road Park in PA.�
A little more from Marcus: �I don't see to many Broncos on the trails so it would be nice to see any others you guys may have,� Marcus said in his submission. �I'm on a very strict budget so mods will come little by little. I'm in the Army and recently stationed in VA and don�t know any other places to go wheel. So if anyone can throw me a bone on any good places to go with a stock vehicle please let me know.�
Editor�s Note: Marcus, thank you for your service to our country! Let us know how the upgrades go!

Name: Shawn Halstead
Ride: 2013 Jeep JK Unlimited Rubicon
Favorite Riding Spot: Camping and wheeling at Uwharrie National Forest in North Carolina.

Name: Joe
Ride: 1995 Toyota Land Cruiser (FZJ80)
Key Upgrades: Metal Tech Sliders & large Stinger Bumper, OME 2-inch lift
Favorite Riding Spot: Panamint Valley, Lockwood/Miller Jeep Trail

If you have a vehicle you love to get in the dirt, rocks or sand, send us in a picture and some basic information. If you�d like to send in a submission, here�s what we need:
1. Picture of your ride at rest or at play (preferably at 620 pixel width at 72 dpi). Please no more than two pictures per submission (you can send an action shot and/or a standing shot). Blurry pictures will not be considered.
2. Please include this information:
Name (first name or nickname):
Off-Road.com Forum Name (optional):
Vehicle Model:
Vehicle Year:
3 Key Upgrades (optional, limit to 3):
Favorite Riding Spot:
3. Email your submission to editor@off-road.com, Attn: Reader Rides.
Submissions do not guarantee inclusion in Reader Rides and are up to the discretion of the Off-Road.com editorial staff. Failure to include any information may prevent inclusion.