LC Engineering to make 2RZ/3RZ Tacoma Supercharger

Jul. 25, 2007 By Press Release
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LC Engineering has taken over the complete product line of S.A. Alpine (manufacturer who took over rights to the 2RZ/3RZ TRD Supercharger Kits when TRD discontinued them).  Alpine is known for their Supercharger and Turbo Kits with applications ranging from Toyota to Hyundai to Chevy Ecotec.  In this takeover LCE will be able to monitor quality control better while also improving upon these product lines.

LCE has already stepped up the quality and performance of the 2RZ/3RZ Superchargers in numerous ways.  All 2RZ/3RZ Supercharger Kits will now be available with 8 lbs. of boost (previously available on 2000 and newer models).  LCE will also have a kit available to upgrade your old 4 lb. kit up to an 8 lb. application that requires minimal modifications. Newsletter
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