Toy 4X4 Logo Candidates

Oct. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
 Ok so we are starting all over again with the list sticker. I have deleted all of the pictures submitted and we are starting from scratch. I am now only going to accept line art drawings for the logo design. No photos. The photos simply do not come out well when printed on a sticker. Yes I could have 4 color process stickers made but that would cost about $500 per roll of stickers, way too much. By using line art we drop the price to $100 per roll or about 25 cents per sticker. Here is a sample of the type of artwork submissions I need.

Here is what happens when I take a regular photo and reduce it to two colors.
Here is a nice line drawing, it works much better (I think)         "Craig Blanchette"

   Please send line art submissions only (.gif format) to and I will post them here. Once we get some good submissions we will start the voting again. Wording on the sticker will be something like:
Toyota 4X4 List

Here is the previous list sticker: Newsletter
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