Trail Run: Carnage Canyon Lives Up to Its Name digs up killer Fourmile trail video from CO4RJ

Apr. 05, 2018 By Justin Fort

It's good to look back. Those who fail to know history are doomed to repeat it, right? We were eager to avoid some doom in our history, so instead of running Carnage Canyon anew, we resurrected video shot of a squadron of Toyotas (and one Jeep) that crawled this devastating one-mile trail in central Colorado a few years back.

Carnage Canyon Hard Points:

- One mile of trail = 10 hours

- This is not the kind of trail where 33-inch tires and a locker will do. This is a "I like 37's but 40's might be better. Hey, how's your exo holding up?" kind of trail.

- A winch and recovery gear: essential.

- The only real climb is the final 200 yards of trail, but that's a 40-degree wall of boulders and fallen trees. And there might have been a kraken.

- Your exit route is a "33's might be enough, if you're careful," trail called Chinaman's Gulch. Carnage groupies often run Chinaman's to watch the finale on Carnage.

- Bring lunch. And spares. And all your skills.

Put together as part of one of the last Colorado 4Runner Jamborees held in the Buena Vista area, this run group included everything from exo'd Toyota pickups and caged silhouette-jobs to trail-dogged 4Runners and Toyota-powered buggies, bobbed here and locked there, with oversized knobbies everywhere. By the finish of Carnage, almost every truck sported a few extra dents - those that finished.

The original story on CO4RJ and Carnage Canyon appeared here on Newsletter
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