Mojave Road

Dec. 01, 1995 By ORC STAFF
(photographs cited left to right, top to bottom)

  • Lined up in Needles awaiting the arrival of any stragglers. [BS]
  • The begining of our trek: On the banks of the Colorado River [JB]
  • Another photo on the banks of the Colorado River [RL]

  • Desert (East of Piute Creek...I think). [BS]
  • Piute Creek, looking east (the wash is out of view to the right) a D90 and a Disco come into view.[BS]
  • Piute Wash: Discos manage to hide wheels when crossaxled [BS]

  • Piute Wash, Lynn or Jim driving. (This is the "Jan, hold on!" enscarpment) [BS]
  • A little bit of wheel spin. Notice how cross axled the D90 is. [BS]
  • The D90 makes it up. [BS]

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