In its 49th year, the Easter Jeep Safari from Moab, Utah, encompasses all things Jeep. It�s a week-long get-together of enthusiasts, the Jeep aftermarket, and even Jeep itself attends the event and brings a few surprises each year. The area in and around Moab in Southeaster Utah may be most known for the beautiful Arches National Park, but explorers and off-roaders know there are areas just as beautiful and far less crowded if you have a sense of adventure - and a Jeep, dirt bike or other capable four-wheeler.
Many Jeepers mark this week on their calendar every year and make this a must-attend event each year. Not everyone can make it out, however, so Off-Road.com will be there taking in the sites and sounds of the week and sharing it with our readers. We�ll get the chance to check out Jeep�s newest concept vehicles, explore new and familiar trails in the area, see what new products will be unveiled during the week and at EJS tradeshow and more. Be sure to check back with Off-Road.com for all the happenings during the 49th Annual Easter Jeep Safari.
2015 Easter Jeep Safari Photo Gallery
Highlights from the 48th EJS
Jeep and Mopar Reveal 6 Concept Vehicles for Moab Easter Jeep Safari