May. 01, 2001 By Tony Carricaburu


For my second test I wanted to use the Power Tank in conjunction with some common air tools such as an air ratchet, die cutter, etc. Basically any tools I might bring with me off-roading in my tool box. The Power Tank would also come in real handy when working with air tools at a friend's house who may not have an air compressor or Power Tank. My primary use will probably be for just filling tires after an off-roading trip or air tool use around the house/off-road. Below are some pictures of the air tools I typically use and keep stored in my Jeep during off-road outings.

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Installing the mounting brackets for the Power Tank was no problem. The mounting bracket comes with predrilled holes for both vertical and horizontal mounting purposes. For my application I wanted my Power Tank sitting vertical and in a easy reaching distance for quick use. I decided to mount my Power Tank on my Mountaineer rack next to my bolted down Army ammo-can. This will allow me to access the Power Tank with ease and not even have to remove the Power Tank for filling tires. I used 6 grade-8 bolts, lock washers, nuts to mount the Power Tank mounting bracket to the mountaineer rack. Perhaps this was little extreme for a Power Tank bracket but I'd rather it be too strong than not strong enough. See pictures below for detailed pictures of my Power Tank mounting bracket install.

(Click on images for large view)


Now that the mounting bracket was permanently mounted to the Mountaineer rack it was time to set my PT-10 Power Tank in its new location. This was a piece of cake with Advanced Air System's awesomely designed mounting bracket. Not only is the Power Tank easy to remove and place into the mounting bracket but it includes a predrilled locking location if you want to lock the tank up. I took full advantage of this opportunity and immediately installed a Master Lock. I usually have the top off my Jeep for 70% of the year and items like this are all too easily stolen if not locked down. See pictures below of my Power Tank secured in its mounting bracket and locked up.

(click on images for large view)

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