That's all we know about this truly strange bike.
To make those, I cut the mufflers off just before the first baffle divider in each and brazed on the tail cones of two discarded 125cc motocrosser pipes. Since the middle cylinder split into two pipes, I had to make everything aft of the headpipe for that one, which I did by using the front cones from the two discarded pipes, brazed together at their large end, then welded one end of that to the middle headpipe and closed the other end by brazing on a big washer with a hole the size of the stinger.
It really was a fun bike. The suspension was too soft for the weight, but it would do wheelies easily in four of its six gears. It sounded great with the chambers on and it could climb any hill you'd throw at it, as long as it was dry. If the jumps weren't too steep-faced, you could fly and land it pretty well too. A few months later, the motor quit running. I think it needed crankcase seals and an overhaul in general. I scrapped it. I regret that heartily to this day. I really wish I'd have kept it as a street bike and repaired it, or at least developed it further as a dirt bike and repaired it, but I gave up too easily. It had a lot of character. There's a lesson in there somewhere. Ben in Lincoln County, MI Courtesy Ratbike.org
Mark Courtesy Ratbike.org
If you want to do bit of jousting, then this is the bike for you. We know absolutely nothing about this strange bike, but you can find out more if you speak Spanish and access the site.
Courtesy www.motoexcalibur.com.ar