1990 Yamamaha YZ 250

Nov. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF

The '90 YZ 250 didn't perform poorly; however, it was never noted for being an outstanding MX bike either. For 1990, Yamaha continued punching out bikes designed around this "nothing bad, yet nothing great" philosophy.

Power: Yamaha mellowed the '90 YZ 250 engine low-end power, much to the dismay of the less experienced riders. The mid-range power was smooth, yet very strong. There was power available in the top-end when the engine was wound out. The engine power did not make the YZ 250 fast, but it did not make the bike slow either.

Suspension: The Yamaha suspension was appreciated by fast riders. In the hands of less experienced riders, the YZ 250 suspension felt harsh and unresponsive on small bumps.

Handling: The '90 YZ 250 was a bike that felt long. Despite this, it felt very controllable when aired. The machine could cut sharp turns and it was very stable at speed.

Reliability: The '90 YZ was a reliable bike that held together well.

Odds & Ends: The '90 YZ 250 shifting was still a bit notchy. The bike can make a good, but not great, trail/play bike. More experienced riders will appreciate the machines qualities more than beginners or novices.

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