1978 Yamaha YZ 250 Project Lowbucks: It�s Done!

Dec. 09, 2014 By Rick Sieman
This was easily the most difficult Project Lowbucks to date. Not only was the bike difficult to clean, but many of the cables and connectors were not stock and had to be rebuilt and/or replaced. Also, many of the plastic parts were filthy beyond belief, or they were simply nonexistent. We finally got our 1978 Yamaha YZ 250

Almost Done: Reinstalling the Motor, Suspension, Etc.

Part 6: Paint, Plastic Restore and More

Part 5: Wheels, Triple Clamp Work

Part 4: Exhaust Pipe, Carburetor Work

So follow along as we finally get this job done.

Basic things had to be addressed first. A simple thing like the front brake lever had to be replaced with something that actually worked.

Basic things had to be addressed first. A simple thing like the front brake lever had to be replaced with something that actually worked.

We also had to replace the clutch lever. The one that came on the bike had the tightening bolts stripped out.

We also had to replace the clutch lever. The one that came on the bike had the tightening bolts stripped out.

It took quite a while to locate the plastic number plate/side covers.  We owe some thanks to Dan Patterson from Utah for his help with this matter. Once we got the plates, they were cleaned off with contact cleaner and ready for painting.

It took quite a while to locate the plastic number plate/side covers. We owe some thanks to Dan Patterson from Utah for his help with this matter. Once we got the plates, they were cleaned off with contact cleaner and ready for painting.

The backsides of the plates were in desperate need of paint too.

The backsides of the plates were in desperate need of paint too.

After giving both plates a coat of Krylon Sun Yellow, we started to apply some masking tape and paper around the black in the center. We made sure that the yellow had a few days to dry properly so the masking tape would not lift off the yellow.

After giving both plates a coat of Krylon Sun Yellow, we started to apply some masking tape and paper around the black in the center. We made sure that the yellow had a few days to dry properly so the masking tape would not lift off the yellow.

Then a few coats of gloss black enamel were sprayed on the plates.

Then a few coats of gloss black enamel were sprayed on the plates.

Naturally, the backside of the plates got a few good coatings of yellow.

Naturally, the backside of the plates got a few good coatings of yellow.

When completed, the plates looked like new.

When completed, the plates looked like new.

The airbox assembly was then put into place.

The airbox assembly was then put into place.

It was here that we found out that the cable to the carburetor was a thrown together piece of crap and had a big leak in the top of the carb cap. It took us a couple of hours to find the right cable and then get things fitting properly.

It was here that we found out that the cable to the carburetor was a thrown together piece of crap and had a big leak in the top of the carb cap. It took us a couple of hours to find the right cable and then get things fitting properly.

We made sure that both ends of the cable fit properly.

We made sure that both ends of the cable fit properly.


Because the basis for this article is �Project Lowbucks,� we didn�t buy another front number plate. Instead, we found one laying around the shop and cut it down to fit.

Because the basis for this article is �Project Lowbucks,� we didn�t buy another front number plate. Instead, we found one laying around the shop and cut it down to fit.

A few coats of white paint and a fresh background plate and we ended up with something looking pretty good.

A few coats of white paint and a fresh background plate and we ended up with something looking pretty good.

Our custom-built number plate looks right at home on the YZ 250.

Our custom-built number plate looks right at home on the YZ 250.

We held the plate in place simply with ordinary old zip ties.

We held the plate in place simply with ordinary old zip ties.

Putting the rear brake assembly on had to be done in order.

Putting the rear brake assembly on had to be done in order.

The spring on the front of the brake assembly had to be put on like this.

The spring on the front of the brake assembly had to be put on like this.

At the rear of the brake assembly, the final adjustment was at the wing nut.

At the rear of the brake assembly, the final adjustment was at the wing nut.

The right side number plate fit okay, but we put a few zip ties on to firm things up.

The right side number plate fit okay, but we put a few zip ties on to firm things up.

The left side number plate fit perfectly.

The left side number plate fit perfectly.

Completed bike is a far cry from where we started.

Completed bike is a far cry from where we started.

Here�s a view from the saddle.

Here�s a view from the saddle.

Up front and ready to go, our YZ 250 Project Lowbucks is finally done!

Up front and ready to go, our YZ 250 Project Lowbucks is finally done!

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