GNCC Racing Announces Supplemental Rules and Classes for 2011
Due to the tremendous increase of more seasoned bike riders in the series, the Super Senior A (45+) Bike class has been created as part of the Super Senior A, B and C (45+) trifecta. This change will allow the growing amount of senior riders to compete against others similar to their skill level.
For 2011, the Youth ATV classes have been adjusted to better reflect the current OEM machines on the market. This includes the addition of 90 Open (12-15) and (8-11) classes, where shifter, automatic and CVT models can compete.
As we continue to grow our UTV (side-by-side) classes, minor adjustments have been made to reflect the heightened attention to safety for both competitors and machines.
"We feel that the 2011 GNCC rules and class structure will only help to make the racing better. It is our goal every year to create the most fair and competitive series in the country," said Jeff Canfield, Technical Director of GNCC Racing.
Click here to access the 2011 GNCC Pro Rules
Click here to access the 2011 GNCC Amateur Rules
Click here to access the 2011 GNCC UTV Rules
Click here to access the 2011 GNCC Class List
The 2011 Can-Am Grand National Cross Country Series kicks off with the Moose Racing Westgate River Ranch GNCC in River Ranch, Florida in conjunction with Daytona Bike Week March 5-8. ATV practice will take place on Saturday and racing on Sunday, followed by bike practice on Monday and racing on Tuesday. For more information, go to