Takashima Flies to Freestyle X Games Victory

Aug. 02, 2013 By Josh Burns
Taka Higashino won Moto X Freestyle.

With two 90-point scores, Taka Higashino earned his three-peat in Moto X Freesytle last night at the 2013 Summer X Games from Los Angeles. Higashino posted a 90-point score on his first of two runs, but with Adam Jones scoring 90 on his second run Higashino had to put in a great final run to earn the gold.

"It's crazy," Higashino said. "I tried my best. Same score twice, but again, it’s just right!”

Adam Jones finished second in Freestyle Moto X.

The Moto X Freestyle event was the final competition on the opening day of X Games Los Angeles. Summer X Games has been in LA the past 11 years, but in 2014 it will move to Austin, Texas. Higashino made it three wins in a row last night  (he won in LA in ’12 and earlier this year in Brazil) with his two solid runs, but Jones definitely made it interesting when he posted a 90 on his final run on the tight course.

Wes Agee didn't finish with a medal but layed down some serious tricks.

"After riding the course today – it was really tight, a lot tighter than in years past," Jones said. "I think everybody would probably agree that with what Freestyle's become in L.A. we're pretty happy to try out Austin next year and get a big course with a lot of options."

Taka Higashino earns his third straight gold in Freestyle.

Higashino’s 90.0-point score was a well-rounded routine that featured a holy grab, rock-solid flip, no hand flip, stripper Superman seatgrab combo, an indy air combo, a kiss-of-death flip, a Cordova flip and a lazy boy flip

With fellow American Jones on the podium, Nate Adams took the final spot with the bronze in Moto X Freestyle, which is his first medal since winning gold in 2011. Unfortunately the night wasn’t without an accident, as Jackson Strong crashed while attempting a body varial on his last trick during his final run, which resulted in a break in his right foot, though he did hop off the track with the aid of course workers.

Freestyle Moto X
Gold - Taka Higashino
Silver - Adam Jones
Bronze - Nate Adams
4th - Levi Sherwood
5th - Rod Adelberg

Josh Hansen earned the fan vote in Best Whip.

Best Whip
In Moto X Best Whip, the fans determine the winner of the event. For the first time ever a female entered the competition, as Vicki Golden battled with the boys in the fan-vote competition. Although the past few competitions seemed to be more of a popularity contest, the crowd and judges all were pleased to see the best rider earn the win, as Josh Hansen won his first gold in the class after edging out Jeremy “Twitch” Stenberg.

Vicki Golden is the first female to compete in Best Whip. She finished third in the fan vote.

The gold medal is Hansen’s seventh X Games medal and his fourth in 2013. Hansen earned 42 percent of the votes, which were collected via Twitter with hash tags for each rider. Stenberg received 24 percent of the votes, while female rider Golden finished third in the voting with 21 percent of the fan vote.

Best Whip
1. Josh Hansen
2. Jeremy Stenberg
3. Vicki Golden

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