Saturday Coverage - Parker 425 - 2006 Best in the Desert

Feb. 04, 2006 By ORC STAFF


Fierce Race at BITD Parker 425

John Herder #1526, 1st overall

Co-driver: Steve Melton
Make: Jimco
Sponsors: Herder Building, Jimco, King Shocks, Fortin, BFG, VPR, WIKS, M&M Farms, Desert Rat


Gary Weyhrich #1588, 2nd overall

Co-drivers: Mark Weyhrich, Keith Danczak, Ryan Williams
Sponsors: Tube Specialties Company (TSCO), BFG, Redling Performance, Pros Custom Lettering


Chuck Hovey #1501, 3rd overall

Make: Jimco
Sponsors: Off-Road Warehouse, Fox Shox, BFG, Sol-Tek, Total Power, Mendeola, Henson & Sons


Robby Gordon #3, 4th overall and 1st in Trick Truck class

Make: Robby Gordon Off Road
Sponsors: Hummer, Jim Beam, Toyo Tires, King Shocks, Harrah's, Kartek, Menards, Red Bull, Mac Tools

  Gustavo Vildosola Jr #1204, 1st in ProTruck class

Co-drivers: Bryan Freeman, Jimmy Davidson, Javier Valenzuela
Make: ProTruck-Toyota
Sponsors: Mexicana Logistics, Aguila Del Desierto, Papas & Beer, Wally World, MasterCraft
Official race results will be posted as soon as we get our dirty little hands on them.

Live Race Satellite Tracking brought to you by Donahoe Racing


2:05pm - Donahoe Racing Update
First Car across the finish line.
1526-Herder is the BITD Parker "425" overall winner!

1:50pm - Donahoe Racing Update
3-Robby Gordon just past mile marker 115
1501-Chuck Hovey hot on his tail

1:46pm - Donahoe Racing Update
8117-Donahoe just past mile marker 115, Ford Super Duty is looking strong, and Donahoe is driving hard for a win.
8102-Chad Hall is right behind him in his H1 Hummer.
8103-Mongo Racing is on their trail.

1:45pm - Donahoe Racing Update
1526-Herder in lead at mile marker 115
1554-Foster is three minutes behind Herder.
1588-Weyhrich hot on 1554's tail

12:55AM - Donahoe Racing Update
1501-Chuck Hovey past mile marker 3 on his third lap; running strong and moving fast!

12:30AM - Donahoe Racing Update
1710-Lee is out of race at Midway Pit#2

12:25AM - Donahoe Racing Update
Scaroni back on track.

12:00AM - Donahoe Racing Update
Number 27-Scaroni had brakes lock up going through whoop section past mile marker 2. Scaroni is off the race course; being assisted by co-driver and race fans to try and fix problem.

11:32AM - Donahoe Racing Update
1526 - John Herder is in the lead.
1588 - Gary Wyhrich is in a close second

11:15AM - Donahoe Racing Update
Just spoke with Casey and he commented that the Satellite Tracking System is working great--they just had a driver at G4 that was noticed not moving on the tracking system, so they radioed him in, and were able to verify within seconds that everything was alright. Driver was stopped due to blown engine.

10:45AM - Donahoe Racing Update
Mile 38, 1521-Buddy Feldcamp Jr. rolled over.
1526-Herder is in the lead with 1588 Weyhrich hot on his tail.

10:00AM - Donahoe Racing Update
JeepSpeed 1777-Hunt with broken axle at mile marker 2

9:44AM - Donahoe Racing Update
In the trick trucks the 76 of Jesse Jones appears to be stopped. The #38 of Cadiente, #23 of Dircks and #83 McMillan look to be battling up front.
In the 1500 hundred class #1588 of Weyhrich appears to be stopped in the pits while Hovey, Dean , and Richards are all battling up front.

8:00AM - Donahoe Racing Update
1595-Mark Acuna rolled and car is pretty banged up; out of race

7:30AM - Donahoe Racing Update
First Car leaving the line; John Herder-1526

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