Round 9 of the AMA/Kenda National Hare & Hound Championship Series will be hosted by AMA District 37’s So Cal MC on Sunday October 9th. With a 4-month break in the series, racers are gearing up for the last two rounds, both of which are taking place in the Johnson Valley OHV area of the Southern California desert. This weekend’s race will be located at East Anderson/Anderson Dry Lake (marked from Camp Rock Rd).
The upcoming Round 9 will be a 3-loop format, 100 miles total and is sure to be a favorite for all the racers who participate. So Cal MC is pulling out all the stops and have been scouting their loops for the past few months, which will consist of all the various terrain types that Johnson Valley has to offer. Loop 2 will have an alternate gas pit at race mile 40. The location is easily accessible and maps to this location will be provided at sign-ups. With some cooler weather to come this week, it is sure to be an awesome race weekend!
So Cal MC will also be hosting a kid’s race on Saturday Oct 8th at 3:00pm. Come on out and cheer on the kids – our future desert racers!
Leading the points in the Overall Pro Class is FMF/ KTM’s Kurt Caselli, who is currently in the lead by 28 points over 2nd place racer, Purvines Racing’s David Pearson, followed by Monster Energy/ Kawasaki’s Destry Abbott who follows Pearson by 13 points in the third place position. All of the racers who participate in this series are the best of the best and it will come down to the wire in many of the other recognized AMA National classes, including the “C” class racers who are now also recognized by the AMA. Current results can be found at
Current leaders for all other National classes (from the AMA website):
Cordis Brooks/200A, Ben Meza/200B, Austin Newman/200C, Skyler Howes/250A, Brett Landfield/250B, Brenden Crow/250C, Jeff Trulove/Open A, Austin Aube/Open B, Colton Jones/Open C, Dan Capparelli/Vet 30+A, Dennis Maurer/Vet 30+B, Raymond Gray/Vet 30+C, David Klein/Senior 40+A, Wayne Ellis/Senior 40+B, Robert Orendain/Senior 40+C, Michael Whitcomb/Super Senior 50+A, Tom Albright/Super Senior 50+B, Richard Sidelau/Super Senior 50+C, Dale Parriott/Masters 60+, Shayla Fulfer/Women A/B, Alyssa Barger/Women C, Andy Lagzdins/ATV A, Andrea Bosemer/ATV B, Christopher Peatross/ATV C.
Holeshot awards at Round 9! The first person to the end of the bomb run in each of these 3 classes will win a pair of Alpinestars Boots/Tech 8’s: Intermediate row, Novice Row, and ATV row.
Round 10 (final round) will be hosted by AMA District 37’s 100’s MC on Sunday October 23rd so mark your calendars!
Remember, all NHHA racers are eligible for Honda, Kawasaki, Husqvarna and KTM OEM contingency. Click on the Manufacturers bike you ride above for details or you can find all the details at: www.NationalHareandHound.com