Editor’s Note: The BlueRibbon Coalition sent over this note regarding public input on Soldiers Pass Near Sedona, Arizona. See below for more information.
The Red Rock Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest is asking for public comments as it prepares an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate revising management of motorized use on the Soldiers Pass Road near Sedona, Arizona.
Soldiers Pass Road is located northwest of Sedona and consists of Forest Service roads 9904, 9904B and 9904C. Together, these roads total approximately 1.2 miles in length. The purpose of this proposal is to reduce conflicts that are occurring on adjacent City of Sedona and private properties as a result of the volume of motorized traffic that is accessing the forest and to bring motorized use of Soldiers Pass Road into compliance with Forest Plan direction. The EA considers four alternatives in detail:
Alternative A is the “no action” alternative and would continue current management.
Alternative B would restrict motorized use of Soldiers Pass Road to an outfitter/guide service and adjust the outfitter/guide use authorization to improve consistency with other motorized outfitter/guide use on the District.
Alternative C is the proposed action, which would adjust the outfitter/guide use authorization to improve consistency with other motorized outfitter/guide use on the District and establish a free permit system to limit public use to 12 permits per day.
Alternative D would close Soldiers Pass Road to all recreational motorized use.
These alternatives were developed with the help of public involvement over the last several years. The EA contains additional information about these alternatives, the project’s background, and analysis of the potential effects of implementing these alternatives.
Project details, maps and additional information are available at http://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=38555.
The 30-day public comment period ends April 30, 2016. The public can submit comments from that web link or by writing to the Red Rock Ranger District Office, Attn: Julie Rowe, 8375 State Route 179, Sedona, AZ 86341. You may also call the Red Rock Visitor Center with questions at (928) 203-7500.