The Coconino National Forest is considering changes to which roads, trails, and areas are open to motor vehicle use on the Forest and would like your input. In September 2011, the Coconino National Forest completed analysis of motorized use designations required by the Travel Management Rule and has since made available a Motor Vehicle Use Map to show designated routes and areas open to motor vehicle use. Since this decision, the Forest has received helpful feedback to modify road, trail and area designations to better support a fun, safe, and ecologically sustainable motorized roads system. To make these designation changes, the Forest is initiating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) planning process to request your feedback on the proposed motor vehicle use designation changes.
The Coconino National Forest is proposing a number of changes to roads, trails, and areas designated for motor vehicle use. Detailed maps and route information is available here:
Due to the scope and complexity of the proposal, the Forest Service is providing additional time for you to provide more detailed input to inform the decision-making process. To ensure that your comments are fully considered during the scoping phase of this project, they request that you submit comments by July 31, 2016. Detailed comments are the most helpful. Written comments regarding this proposed action may be sent via mail, fax, email, hand delivery, express delivery, or messenger service to:
Attn: Mike Dechter, Travel Management Project Leader
Coconino National Forest
1824 South Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(please include “Coconino Motor Vehicle Access” in the subject line)
Fax: 928-527-3620