Americans for Responsible Recreation Access is urging off-road enthusiasts to send an e-mail to your representative to Cosponsor H.R. 999, which is the  ROV In-Depth Examination Act, or RIDE Act!

Representatives Mike Pompeo (R-KS) and Collin Peterson (D-MN) have introduced bipartisan legislation that would require the National Academy of  Sciences to conduct a study about the appropriateness of the Consumer Product  Safety Commission (CPSC) moving forward with its mandatory product standards  for recreational off-highway vehicles (side-by-sides).  Specifically, this study would determine the technical validity of the CPSC’s proposed  lateral stability and vehicle handling requirements; the number of ROV  rollovers that would be prevented if the CPSC’s rules were adopted; whether  there is a technical basis for the proposed rule to provide information on a point-of-sale hangtag about a vehicle’s rollover resistance on a progressive  scale; and the effects on ROVs used by the U.S. military if the CPSC’s rules  were adopted.

Take Action by sending an  email urging your Representative to cosponsor this common-sense legislation to  ensure that there is an adequate study of the impacts of the CPSC’s proposed  rules before it is too late.


On October 29 the U.S. Consumer  Product Safety Commission voted 3-2 to move forward on a proposed rule to  impose a mandatory product standard for recreational off-highway vehicles  (ROVs), commonly referred to as side-by-sides. The CPSC voted to move forward  with its industry-wide rule, even though the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) had recently approved a new voluntary standard developed over  years of interaction between the industry, the CPSC, and other stakeholders. A  voluntary standard is the default approach under the statutes.

Perhaps worse, according to the  CPSC staff’s briefing package and testimony, the proposed rule relies heavily  on “beliefs” as the staff lacks data demonstrating that the proposed rule will  actually achieve what the staff claims. In addition, the proposed rule applies  standards developed for on-highway vehicles to off-highway vehicles,  without demonstrating that those standards apply in off-highway  environments.  Given the CPSC’s admitted  lack of supporting data and stated need for future testing, the proposed rule  ignores the risk of unintended consequences for millions of Americans who enjoy  ROVs throughout the country.

The proposed rule, if  ultimately approved, would limit the ability of manufacturers to design  vehicles to safely provide the level of performance that is expected by ROV  enthusiasts, as state, regional and national enthusiast groups recently  testified to the CPSC. The industry’s new voluntary standard for ROVs should be  permitted the opportunity to prove effective, the same as the voluntary standards that govern almost all other products under the CPSC’s jurisdiction.