Los Angeles, CA – While at the Summer 2012 X Games, pulling TV for ESPN and doing requisite media, Jeremy McGrath announced, that thanks in great part to the efforts of Be The Match and its Registry, his wife Kim has found a marrow donor.
Surviving breast cancer two years ago, in May of this year, Kim McGrath was diagnosed with Leukemia.
Her treatment – immediate chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. Quickly, Jeremy and Kim moved into action: Kim — undergoing chemo and enduring month long hospital stays and Jeremy – spearheading close to 40 marrow drives and fundraisers.
Results — More than 4,000 people tested for possible inclusion within the Registry and more than a quarter of a million dollars raised.
As Kim rests at home in preparation for her marrow transplant, within the next few days, Jeremy had this to add, “First, thank you again to everyone who has helped, donated, gotten tested and sent well wishes to our family. Your responses to my initial call to action have been incredible and the support and love just seems to continue. The fact that Kim found a match is really great news for us! But it is our hope that people will still get tested and join the Be The Match Registry. I would also ask that companies that have charitable donation programs and those in the position to do something, please think about making a donation too.
Be The Match at any time throughout the year. This organization provides a service that literally saves lives every day of the year…it’s pretty amazing.”
In an effort to raise more awareness and more funds, McGrath will be donating his portion of the download profits from his new video game, Jeremy McGrath Offroad, http://raceroffroad.com/content released just a few weeks ago, to BeTheMatch.org. You can download a copy NOW on XBox Live or PS3.