Top Ten Symptoms of a Serious Off-Road Trails Enthusiast

Oct. 01, 2005 By New England
#10: You understand that a Scout is a way of life, not just a means of transportation.


#9: You are the type of person who immediately goes postal if you sit in a traffic jam for more then 5 minutes, yet can spend six hours driving a total of 1 1/2 miles off-road and consider it a form of relaxation.


#8: You look for Scouts in movies and TV shows and try to identify the model and date manufactured.


#7: You own a Scout that weighs 1000 pounds more than when it rolled off the assembly line.


#6: You consider having to start a Scout five times in any given minute a routine procedure.


#5: You have the monetary equivalent of a Mercedes sedan invested, but your Scout still looks like crap!


#4: You want to take things apart and rebuild them, even if they are not broken.


#3: You are on a first name basis with the guys at the local auto parts store.


#2: You know a minimum of three 1-800 numbers to aftermarket off-road businesses by heart.


#1: A new dent in the sheetmetal actually straightened out a few other dents. Newsletter
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