Everything needed is included except for the lower ball joints. You must re-use the oem ball joints. They are camber and caster adjustable using Teixeira Tech’s new innovative camber/castor adjustment system.
A-arms start at $945.00 for complete kit (without lower ball joint). Needle Bearing upgrade is available for $100.00.
The XC A-arms bring you up to just under 10 1/2 inches of travel. These a-arms are the Ground Clearance type and stock width. Uppers & Lowers are available as individual kits.
The MX A-arms bring you to just over 10 1/2 inches of travel. They are also the Ground Clearance type. Your front end will be just over 49 1/2 inches wide with this kit with the stock wheels and tires.
Check out new products and more at www.teixeiratech.com, or call for details: (209) 833-9160.