GLAMIS Dunes Closure Reminder

Mar. 01, 2003 By BLM
Glamis Sand Dunes News Dunes Closure

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Sec. 9262.1 Penalties for unauthorized use, occupancy, or development of public lands.Under section 303(a) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1733(a)) any person who knowingly and willfully violates the provisions of Secs. 2801.3(a), 2812.1-3, 2881.3, or 2920.1-2(a) of this title, by using public lands without the requisite authorization, may be tried before a United States magistrate and fined no more than $1,000 or imprisoned for no more than 12 months, or both.

BLM Says:

BLM Seeks Continued Public Cooperation for Closures at Imperial Sand Dunes
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) reminds off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreational users that the interim closures on vehicle use in portions of the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) are still in effect and asks for continued public cooperation in complying with the closures.

These closures were established in response to a lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity, the Sierra Club, and the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility regarding the Endangered Species Act. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District, California, approved the negotiated settlement, which established these closures over two years ago on Nov. 3, 2000.

BLM Field Manager Greg Thomsen said, "We appreciate the cooperation we've received from users who have complied with the closures. Last season, the compliance level was very good, but this season the closure violations unfortunately have increased. As part of the legal agreement approved by the court, the closure areas are monitored by the plaintiffs and OHV interveners in the lawsuit as well as BLM, so compliance is very important. We need the help of everyone involved to ensure violations are minimized or eliminated."

Thomsen said the closures must remain in effect until a decision is issued on BLM's ISDRA management plan. He said BLM is currently working on finalizing the plan.

The interim closures are designed to protect essential habitat of the Peirson's milk-vetch (a Federally listed plant species) while allowing OHV recreation to continue in the heavily used areas of the dunes. The Peirson's milk-vetch was listed as a threatened species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1998. The continued survival of this plant relies on the protection of its dune habitat.

The five closures areas are located in the northern, central and southern portions and encompass approximately 49,300 acres of the 159,000 acre open ISDRA. All closures are marked with red posts and "No Motorized Vehicle" signs. These posts have been placed at intervals of 20 feet to 1/4 of a mile depending on the terrain and use patterns. Most of the boundaries of the closures were based on monitoring data gathered by the BLM, and were placed around known populations of the milk-vetch while avoiding the most popular riding areas.

Northern Closure (3,800 acres): The western boundary is located along the New Coachella Canal. The southern boundary of the closure is common with the northern boundary of the North Algodones Wilderness Area. The eastern boundary follows along the Ted Kipf Road for several hundred yards north of the wilderness boundary. The northern boundary follows a section line across the dunes to the canal.
Central Closure #1 (2,000 acres): This circular shaped closure is located approximately 1 mile east of Gecko Road, between Gecko and Roadrunner Campgrounds.

Central Closure #2 (43,345 acres): The western boundary begins 1/4 mile south of Roadrunner campground and follows the Sand Highway to "5 mile drop" on the New Coachella Canal. The road into Patton Valley from the "5 mile drop" will remain open, but the dunes directly to the south of the road will be closed. The southern boundary is located directly north of Patton Valley and the Olgilby Camp Area. The eastern boundary follows the wash road. The northern boundary starts about 9 miles south of the Glamis Store and follows a section line across the dunes to the Sand Highway.

Southern Closure (160 acres): Located just east of Midway Campground and south of Grays Well Road.

Patton Valley Closure (310 acres): Located near Patton Valley.
Eastern Camping Closure (25,000 acres): Located near the eastern boundary of the ISDRA, but outside of the recreation area. This area is closed to camping only.

The closures do not affect the heavily used areas between the Glamis store and Gecko Road, areas around Buttercup and Dune buggy Flats, Patton Valley, and Hills 1-5.

BLM is distributing brochures to recreationists at the dunes and information and a map of the closure areas are available on BLM's webpage at Newsletter
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