Winner of GNCC Series Can-Am Outlander Sweepstakes Announced

Nov. 02, 2010 By Press Release
The Can-Am Outlander 800R XT

The Can-Am Outlander 800R XT

Morgantown, WV (Nov 2, 2010)
- Racer Productions, producers of the Grand National Cross Country Series, and BRP Can-Am are excited to announce Kenneth Ahrnold, of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, as the winner of a brand-new 2010 Can-Am Outlander 800R XT. Several thousand GNCC fans entered the season-long sweepstakes at the track or online via the GNCC Fan Demographics Survey.

"I'm so excited!" says Arnhold, a firefighter who also served in the U.S. Armed Forces. "I'm pretty stoked, because I have a sport quad right now, and it beats me up on the terrain we have around here. I do a lot of riding in the Berkshires, lots of mountains and stuff. It's really rough terrain and this Can-Am is going to be great for that. What an awesome machine!"

"On behalf of BRP, I would like to congratulate Kenneth on his win of a 2010 Can-Am Outlander 800R XT," says Chaz Rice, Manager, Media and Public Relations, Can-Am. "We at BRP hope he enjoys riding the same machine that won both the 4x4 Open and 4x4 Limited GNCC championships this season. It was exciting to see the amount of entries and excitement GNCC fans had for the giveaway this season."

The Can-Am Outlander sweepstakes is another link in a strong partnership between GNCC Racing and BRP, which includes the three-year extension of GNCC title sponsorship announced earlier in the season, and continued support of GNCC television coverage on Versus, which airs every Sunday at 3 p.m. and Tuesday at 5 p.m.

The Can-Am Grand National Cross Country Series continues with the series' awards ceremonies, to be held December 10 for ATVs and December 11 for bikes at the Lakeview Resort in Morgantown, West Virginia. Newsletter
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