ThanksGiving 98' at The Mighty Glamis Sand Dunes

Nov. 01, 1997 By Danny Parent
    When we came over the hill on HiWay#78 we saw Glamis "The City". What a sight after driving 1500 miles from Colorado! We arrived at Glamis on Thursday night around 8:00. We set up camp about 1/2 mile down Ted Kipf Road. The smell of 110 octane fuel was in the air, what a sweet smell! Our Bikes were already pre-jetted for the Glamis altitude, so within 30 minutes of arrival we Hit the Dunes! We headed down to the Mid-Way to check out the scene. Then it was on to the one place we knew would be Rockin' "Competition Hill".images/dp_comp1.jpg (11516 bytes) We rode into Comp Hill and when cruising through the 1st row of people we ran into our Friends from Greeley, Colorado, quite amazing actually. There was quite a few people on the hill so I took this chance to get started on the Banshee racing. After about a 1/2 tank of race gas we decided to watch the Rowdy's party for awhile... Then Chris and I rode the Dunes back to camp to call it a night.


The next morning we got up early. We went down to the Mid-Way to get our Thanksgiving 98' Paraphernalia from the Beach Store and Vendors Row. What a selection of vendors compared to other Holidays at Glamis. images/dp_midway1.jpg (20682 bytes) Then we went out to the SuperBowls behind Comp Hill and did some playing around for awhile. We ended up over at Oldsmobile Hill and did a little racing, but mainly watched the action on The Hill. One of the highlights of this afternoon was a guy being pulled up the Hill by a 26'T Sand Rail, on a Recliner Chair with Skis mounted on the bottom.


While sitting at the top of Olds we saw a bunch of people gathered in a few small bowls in front of Olds, turned out to be an Air Festival with 2-wheelers, Quads and Trucks. Quite the Show! We hung out and watched the Skyjumping for awhile. images/dp_2air.jpg (15976 bytes)

Went back to camp to get more gas and grub and hang a little before it was time to go out to Comp Hill.


We headed back out to the Dunes about 7:00, saw the Fireworks at Comp and decided that it was time to hit The Show. When we rode into Comp it was one big Jammin' Traffic Jam! We went straight to the base of the hill and got right into the racing for a few hours. Then we decided it was time to watch the amazing things that were happening, images/dp_comp2.jpg (22595 bytes)

vehicles going through fire, VW blocks burning brightly, bumper trucks, really Awesome vehicles driving through the Crowd and more people racing on the Hill than you can imagine! About midnight we'd had enough and headed back to The Mid-Way to cure the appetite we had acquired from all the action.

The next morning we went out to run all the big hills, The Wall, The Ceiling, The China Wall ending up at Olds again. images/dp_26t.jpg (16967 bytes) Then we went out and did some serious Dune Shredding, Then it started raining, by the time we got back to camp my MX boots were starting to take on water. It was now time for a little siesta since the rain wouldn't stop. Finally it stopped about 5:00, but now it was heavy jacket weather and more clouds could be seen to the west. We decided that we'd had enough of this weather and decided to call it a weekend, "One Awesome Weekend"! Thanksgiving 98' was to date the best time I've had at Glamis so far in 7 years. The People are what make The Glamis Experience what it is, Awesome!

When I got back home to Ft.Collins, Colorado my Dad came over and gave me an article that had been written in a local newspaper about the Glamis Dunes on Thanksgiving. It was 1/2 page and said that Glamis was the largest gathering of people in the United States over the Holiday weekend. You could say I'm already thinking of Thanksgiving 99'!!!


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See Danny"O"s Glamis 98' picture page. Newsletter
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