New PakRat ATV Carts Offer Comfort, Safety, High Capacity

Nov. 01, 2005 By Press Release
After three years of design and testing work, Pak-Rat ATV Accessories is introducing a lightweight new cart that more than doubles the carrying capacity of today’s go-anywhere ATVs. You can carry your buddies, your gear and your game with this new cart, both easier and safer than trying to load them on the ATV itself. The Pak-Rat cart uses a cool expanded mesh bench seat to carry one or two hunters, with optional cushions in black or Mossy Oak camo. The brush guards surrounding passengers are formed from tough, 1/16 inch steel plate.
These steel elements and the seamless welded frame then receive a powder coat finish before final assembly. The frame assemblies and panels are hung and given an electrostatic charge that attracts the paint powder, which is then baked on to provide a durable polyester finish that resists rust and scratches. You can choose green to blend into the terrain, or high visibility red.

The open mesh where you sit, place your feet and carry your gear both lightens the cart and makes clean-up easy. You can pull the cart home on a muddy day and easily rinse it off with a garden hose or pressure washer. The 600-pound capacity cart connects to your ATV with a 1-7/8 inch ball hitch. The tongue is removable for shipment and for storage in tight quarters. (With a mass weight of 190 pounds, the Pak-Rat Cart typically ships on a pallet via Fed-X ground service.)
What makes this new ATV Cart easy to pull and easy to ride on is the suspension system. Pat-Rat designers went to the Dexter Axle Company to have a miniature torsion axle reated. Used on premium horse trailers and cargo trailers, these torsion axles use steel and rubber elements to produce a ride smoother than leaf springs or coil springs. The suspension is complemented by durable 4-bolt hubs and 22 inch ATV wheels. If you’ve ever tried riding on the spine-jarring “garden carts with seats” that some ATA accessory manufacturers have offered, understand there’s no comparison between those units and these premium Pak-Rat ATV Carts. “The Pak-Rat passenger wagon will allow the ATV owner to share the enjoyment of his investment with the wife and kids or with friends who want to load up their gear and enjoy the smoothest ride in the industry,” designer Scott Slates said.

The Missouri manufacturer sells direct to consumers and has begun setting up a dealer network. For more information or to order this premium ATV accessory, call (636) 327-8104 or go on-line to Newsletter
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