Colorado Association of 4WD Clubs

Dec. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF

The COLORADO ASSOCIATION OF 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUBS, INC., (CA4WDCI), is a not-for-profit "umbrella" organization comprised of member 4WD clubs, individual members, and business firms. We have united to promote the betterment of 4x4 outdoor recreation. We promote responsible attitudes toward vehicle use, and encourage legislation to develop areas and roads for motorized recreation. We disseminate vital information, both good and bad, about 4 wheeling activities and special concerns, to our members and the public.

We sell Mapbooks to 4WD roads! We have information about finding a 4WD Club in Colorado! Contact us for a free information packet. Send your complete mailing address to:

P.O. Box 1413
Wheat Ridge, CO. 80034

When you belong to the CA4WDCI, you are a member of a friendly family that has one common interest, 4 Wheeling! If you want to make new friends, see the most spectacular Colorado scenery, and enjoy the thrill of challenge, join a club today! If joining a club doesn't interest you, you can still support recreational 4 Wheeling in Colorado by joining the CA4WDCI as a SUPPORTING MEMBER. As a member, you will receive our quarterly publication, the Colorado 4 Wheeling News, containing interesting club news and articles about 4WD trips, and the not so good news about road closures. Come Join Us!


Happy and safe 4 Wheeling!


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