7 Most Scenic ATV & UTV Off-Road Trails

Mar. 31, 2014 By Seth Fargher

7 Most Scenic ATV & UTV Trails Cont.

6. Hatfield & McCoy Trails, West Virginia
While the Appalachian Mountains are a favorite for hikers and backpackers from around the world, roughly 600 miles in the state of West Virginia is dedicated to off-road vehicle use. The Hatfield & McCoy trail system is actually made up of eight smaller trail systems that snake their way through the Appalachian Mountains.  Like some of the other locations on our list, the Hatfield & McCoy trials feature amazing mountaintop views, water features and bright fall colors. If you’re looking for East Coast off-roading, you should definitely plan on spending a few days at Hatfield & McCoy exploring the trails.

7. Eastern Tenessee
It may seem like a copout to use a region verses a specific location, but since there are a number of off-road riding locations nestled in the mountains of eastern Tennessee, we’re devoting a spot on our list to the entire region.  Two of the better-known riding areas are Royal Blue ATV Resort and Brimestone Recreation area.  Both feature hundreds of miles of trails and offer overnight accommodations in a beautiful mountain getaway environment.  While the “mountains” here are smaller than some of the other places on our list, the views are amazing and provide plenty of beautiful scenery to make this one of our top seven off-road riding locations. 

Did we miss one of your favorite riding areas? We’d love to hear about it, so drop us a line in the comment section.

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