The Thomas Industries air compressor line has been becoming more and more popular in the offroading industries. In the last couple years one of the newer custom Jeep modifications was to have an onboard air setup in your Jeep. Something with power and enough air to fill some big tires without wasting a lot of time waiting. Various companies have been coming out with these semi-powerful 12volt air compressors for Jeeps and other offroading vehicles. Usually they come with an optional portable mount (cigarette lighter powered) or hard wired and mounted in the Jeep somewhere. These compressors do alright but if your running a larger size tire like a 35" or larger then these compressors are still real slow and take forever to air-up after a trail run. I myself am going to be running 38" Super Swampers soon and was looking for something more powerful. For my heavy duty needs I went to Thomas Industries. Thomas Industries is the global leader in the production of compressors and pumps for global OEM applications.
For my Product Review I am going to be testing Thomas's TA-4101 1/3 horsepower air compressor. Please read along and enjoy the article. See pictures below to see the Thomas Compressor upon delivery Via UPS.
(Click on pictures for large view)

INSTALL PART 1: Before I was able to install the Thomas Ind. Compressor I had to make a secure and safe place to mount the compressor. I wanted to protect the unit from water, mud, and dirt as much as I can. I'm sure the units tough enough to handle extreme conditions and use but I wanted to protect it anyways. Since I had already made a custom Storage-box for the Inverter I figured this would be the best place to mount the compressor. Installing the compressor couldn't be any easier. The Compressor has a built on mounting bracket with a heavy-duty 3/16" 4-bolt down mounting bracket already secured to the compressor. I went ahead and fastened the compressor down using 4 heavy duty wood screws. These should provide plenty enough strength to keep the compressor securely mounted even under extreme offroading. See pictures below of the compressor mounted in its new home.
(click on picture for large view)

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