The Politicizing of Off-Roading

Dec. 01, 2005 By Norm Lenhart

Last months article "Fear of the Dark" generated yet another flurry of E-mail, and I'm happy to report that most of it agreed with my position. On the other hand, several utterly clueless drones regurgitated the same old party line....

"But,,,but...but (insert sniveling voice here) just don't understand!!! We'll NEVER make any progress with the environmentalists when people like you keep saying these things!"

Ah such blissful ignorance. It's enough to make Rick Sieman join the Sierra Club! Eh'... not quite.

I guess it really isn't their fault. They must have seen Dad naked at some point during their formative years, and developed a mental block when it comes to making sense out of things they see with their own eyes. Alas, in today's "Victim Society" it's simply too much to ask for some of these nuclear physics majors to actually take a shot at reading the friggin' article before spouting off about it's contents.

As for me, I now sadly realize that some off-roaders are sheep at heart. I understand that no matter how many locked gates meet them at the trailhead, no matter how many waterways get closed to mechanized recreation, no matter how many economies, businesses, homes, and lives are wrecked by pure Communism masquerading as "Environmentalism", there will always be those lemmings amongst us that willfully refuse to place blame where it's due. Fewer still will ever lift a finger to stop history from repeating itself.

The best chance, perhaps the ONLY chance we have to stop the stupidity once and for all, is coming up this November. Perhaps you've seen the Al Gore pages we have put up on, or one of the many banners leading to them. Guess what? The whining victim crowd has worked themselves into a tizzy about that too.

Get this.... I received an E-mail stating (and I swear I'm not making this up) ...

"Politics has no place in off-roading"


(Note Editor falling out of the chair yet again in sheer wonder and amazement)

Too many years ago, a bunch of apathetic off-roaders figured the famous and popular "Someone Else" (address unavailable at press time) would take an hour out of their miserable existence, and go pull a lever when it came time to exercise the most important right we have - the right to vote.

As a result of this callous disregard toward the (stay with me here) OBLIGATION to vote, your favorite country, and mine, has been subjected to a variety of diseases that have been continuously eroding it's healthy glow. These diseases are most often categorized as "Democrat", though there have been rare instances of Republican and Independent strains reported.

By far, the most virulent mutation has been titled "Liberal Democrat", or in the original Latin, "Liberalus Democratus". This deadly disease has worked it's way into the major organs, the life's blood, and deepest recesses of the body politic, and as a result, has corrupted our country from within.

In California, the disease took the mutated form of Barbara Boxer, Diane Finestien, and the Governor scornfully known as "Davis".  Several million acres of closed land, record levels of taxation, out of control illegal immigration, repeated assaults on the right for honest citizens to bear arms, and enough drug/gang related violence to make "Natural Born Killers look like a "G" rated Disney cartoon were the result.

Each state has their own sordid tale of  battles with the disease that mirror the socialist's "Utopia" that the People's Republic of California has become. But as the disease ran it's course, the most damaging infection came in Washington DC nearly 8 years ago. Because of voter apathy, the Clinton / Gore empire, the (and I quote their own words here mind you) "Most ethical administration in history" has closed more public lands to tax paying Americans than any "administration in history".

While we had to explain to our kids why we couldn't go up the formerly open trail because of that locked gate now guarding it, your president (well, he sure isn't mine) was busy supplementing Monica Lewinski's protein intake in the same office where Ronald Regan once proudly led a nation.

Question: Who are the only people with the legal authority to close land to off-road vehicles?

Answer: Politicians


While your personal watercraft sat idly on the trailer because their use was banned on the local lake - under the guise of "saving water" no less, your Vice Resident (sic) Al Gore flushed nearly 10 BILLION gallons of the stuff down a New England river during a major regional drought, just to get a cheesy photo op in a canoe. A few billion for a trial run, and another few billion for the pic.

Hey, what's a few billion gallons between friends?

Ponder this people. Under the Clinton / Gore reign of terror, Americans have had more land taken out of the public domain, more taxes taken out of their paychecks, more rights infringed - as citizens and as parents, and more crime in America than under any administration that has come before it. Don't take my word for it Doubting Thomas, look at the government's own statistics and see for yourselves.

Having spent more than my fair share of time around hospitals and doctors, I can tell you this from first hand experience. When a disease becomes unmanageable by conventional means - when it begins to threaten the very life and livelihood of it's victim, the only solution left may be surgical extraction / removal of the afflicted areas.

This November, millions of OHV / outdoor recreationalists, landowners, parents and more, will make the decision to surgically remove the disease infecting the body politic. That disease has a name - Liberal Democrat. That disease has a face - Al Gore.

The answer is obvious. the procedure is self explanatory. The result is predictable.

Unfortunately, like many victims of Cancer, or other horrible disease, many voters will make a different decision. The decision to ignore the disease that's killing them slowly from within, in the futile hope that things will get better on their own.

Here too, the result is predictable. More lands closed, gates erected, lawsuits filed, taxes raised, gas prices increased, guns confiscated, parental rights abolished, and if Prince Albert has his way, a total ban on the internal combustion engine. Ergo, no 4x4's, ATV's, Dirt bikes, Race trucks, Rock Crawlers.........none.

But hey, "Politics has no place in off-roading" right? Newsletter
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