MSD Ignition Upgrade

Nov. 24, 2014 By Jim Brightly, KF7SCT

MDS Ignition Installation

Tighten the two screws holding the rotor in place.

MSD provides this break-in gear lube with each Street Fire distributor.

Apply the break-in gear lube liberally prior to the installation.

Carefully position the distributor’s shaft through its hole in the intake manifold, making sure its gasket is correctly located. Carefully mate the drive gear with its matching gear on the camshaft.

Once the distributor is seated, position the clamp and its bolt. Thread the bolt in but do not tighten at this time. After making sure the rotor is properly aligned, tighten the clamp.

Install the cap. Do not over tighten the cap’s screws or you might crack it.

The MSD cables in the kit we used were not precut. The distributor side connectors were mounted at the factory, but not the spark plug connectors.

After the length of each of the eight wires is determined, measure it once more and then make the cut.

To install the terminal, place the cable in the provided cutting guide.

Due to the size of the 8.5mm spiral wound conductor, it is important to use care not to cut into the conductor. Hold a sharp blade on the sheath and slowly rotate the cable in the mini-stripper.

Place the internal terminal on the prepared cable and carefully partially crimp it with needle nose pliers.

Next, place the assembly in the provided MSD crimper.

Using a bench-mounted vise and the crimper, crimp the terminal onto the cable.

The insulating cap is very stiff and you’ll need some pliers to hold the cable while sliding on the cap.

The distributor and all the spark plug cables are in place. All we have to do now is reinstall the air cleaner and fire up the engine.

Full installation instructions for the distributer and the wire set can be found on MSD’s website (listed below).

Source List:
MSD Ignition Products

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