Strange Bikes July 2008 Edition
SuperHunky brings us more inventions from around the world
So sit down, relax, get any kids out of the room, crack open a cold one and enjoy. Sort of.

3. The dirt bikes in this army are equipped to pack double, so the rider on the rear part of the saddle can shoot his bazooka. Hopefully, the rider in front ducks at the right time.

4. This extremely tall bike was built from a tractor … and in the process ruined a perfectly good tractor.

5. Dodge built this bike as a project with a V-10 motor. There are no plans for it to be released.

6. The German army built this bike to skid safely through the snow.

7. Surely you’ve heard of a riding mower. How about a bike mower?

9. In 1931, somebody thought a one-wheeled bike would be the hot ticket.

10. And I thought the three-wheeler was dead!