It's a little known fact that MDK Speed Equipment team manager Tim Bowers and his son Tyler have been using Spokesavers for nearly three years now. During this time Tim and Tyler have never had a spoke related failure. All of the Spokesavers remained intact and working at all times. The Bowers had confidence in the Spokesavers product and brought that experience with them when the call came to really make it count.
Tim and Tyler joined the MDK team they introduced Spokesavers to MDK and planned to use the Spokesavers throughout the BooKoo series.
When the series started, the team mechanics were of course very busy, pressed for time and they didn't get the Spokesavers installed on all of the bikes. One of Tyler's bikes without the Spokesavers suffered multiple spoke breakages to both wheels. This was a sign that the product was needed on the full range of race bikes.
Mechanic Dave Strausbaugh |
When spokes break many things can happen - flat tire, demolished wheel, removal of front brake lineall resulting in a dreaded DNF, or injury to the rider. With the series being so competitive a DNF is very hard to overcome and could become the difference in winning the championship, let alone the expenses of the damage to your wheel or other parts of the bike, and the money lost to registration fees and traveling.
Tyler weighs a good 200 lbs is more likely to break spokes with his speed and weight combined, than the average smaller rider. Now the whole MDK team has one less risk of a mechanical failure and all the bikes are equipped with Spokesavers.
Team Manager Tim Bowers |
When all the MDK Speed Equipment riders were interviewed they all gave the same answers about Spokesavers. All the riders liked the look of the product, but the main thing was if their spokes did break, the Spokesavers would secure the spokes in place giving them a chance to finish the race, rather than the spokes flying out of the wheel and possibly causing damage elsewhere.
The MDK mechanics were also interviewed and were asked what things they liked about Spokesavers and they also gave relatively the same answers. They said the Spokesavers kept the spokes tight that when they checked them, they didn't have to spend near the time tightening the spokes at all.
Mechanic Zach Petterson |
They also liked the look of the Spokesavers and commented on the Spokesavers being a visual reminder to check the spokes. The mechanics favorite feature of the Spokesavers was if a spoke breaks while on the track they can't go out and fix the breakage but with the Spokesavers securing the spokes at least they have a chance to finish the race. The mechanics haven't changed the rims with the Spokesavers yet but they did say that it would save them a good amount of time.
Spokesavers give several advantages to the rider, but even greater advantages to the mechanic. If the rider would happen to break a spoke, without Spokesavers chances are he would not finish the race. With Spokesavers, they will secure the broken spokes so the rider can finish the race. Spokesavers also cool the rotors, allowing the rider to speed into the corners harder and with fresher brakes. For the mechanics, Spokesavers are the Answer. Spokesavers work double time, all the time, keeping the spokes tight twice as long, and add double the life to your rims and spokes.
Also, Spokesavers make changing the rims a task that anyone can do. Normally you would have to take each individual spoke out to change the rim, with Spokesavers installed you can loosen all nipples and remove the rim while Spokesavers hold the spokes in place, then slide the new rim on and begin turning the wheel. With the time saved on just tightening the spokes, Spokesavers pay for themselves, let alone all of the other positive features. For more info or to purchase Spokesavers log on to