Hodaka 125 Wombat Raffle
Drawing to be held during Hodaka Days 2009
Win this Vintage Hodaka Model 94 Wombat 125

The bike has been torn down and the frame and other formerly painted components have been powder coated and the motor rebuilt by club member Danny Messmore of Minot Action Cycles. Various components have been replaced or repaired as necessary . Photo is the bike in progress it will be completed by Hodaka Days ...sure looks like a great bike !!
Tickets only $5.00 each
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Tickets will be available during Hodaka Day Events or pre-buy here
*Raffle to be conducted under the auspices of the AthenaGem, Inc.
**Drawing will be at 2009 Hodaka Days- you do not need to be present to win- time to be announced during the event.
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