GNCC Round 4
"The Big Buck"
Union South Carolina April 14th
This years Can-Am GNCC racing series is rolling full steam ahead and I can see the patience getting shorter and shorter with most of the top Pros of our series. The Turner ranch left everyone with a little taste of racing in the most adverse conditions and at least this reporter gathered some unwanted dust in anything that was exposed to it. Did I say the dust was terrible? Well it was and with so much on the line if you didn't get out front and clear of the lappers you had most of your race wound up in the five-foot margin. That means that's about how far you could see in front of you.
Taking it from the top our morning class racers have been stepping up the game as I watch old schoolers like Mike Benson and Marcus Gonzalez start to relight the flame of years past in our U2 class. This class, for those who don't know, is the V-Force class of old. It now contains the Can-Am Renegades as well. These guys ruled the roost for our 10 o'clock race but they never seem to be able to catch one cute little lady in our series. It seems that no matter what comes her way Traci Cecco will push her Yamaha to the limits and force all cares aside as she sets her goal on another women's class championship. The challengers of her class are coming up quick though as Angel Atwell can never be ruled out as a possible podium position. And with our newest top fiver Jennifer Albright who's to say she couldn't be right in the hunt for second or third in this years championship hunt. Man with the way she's been riding I wouldn't be surprised to see her on the podium before she even expects to be there. So I guess you might be wondering what happened to our old friend Stephanie Parton, I was also and after hearing she might be having technical difficulties with her Polaris Outlaw I knew I'd just leave that one lying for now. It seems she never made one lap and I know that was a huge let down for her. Stephanie has worked so hard on her program and has come along way over the years but the bugs seem to keep finding her and it do's not look like she has been getting any luck thrown her way. I'm sure the Parton gang will figure something out and be back for another day.
Speaking of bad luck our "Indian Outlaw" has done it again. No he didn't win the lotto or scalp some poor ticket holder at the gate. It seems that bad luck nailed Brock Parker at the big buck and he has broken his right arm pretty good. Brock's dad Jerry says Brock will be going to have an MRI done on the shoulder and upper arm this Friday to determine how bad it really is. "His shoulder has torn away from the collar bone," claims Parker. Back in Rausch creek around 2003 Brock had a horrific accident that left both his shoulders out of place. His shoulders have never forgotten that day and probably never will! Get well soon Brock Parker!
With the missing member in their minds the remaining Can-Am crew decided to get something for their friend as the greatest riders in our 4x4 classes, all on Can-Am Outlanders took the wins and it went something like this.
Scott Kilby takes over the 4x4 open class and leads Bryan Buckhannon by only a few seconds. This class has seen a lot of challengers come up and try to dethrone the Can-Am teams. I wont say it couldn't happen but you better be ready for a long day because these guys are the best at their game. Mighty Mike Penland gets his second best finish of the year with a third and just a couple seconds faster than him was an old friend Kevin Tranthem. Michael Swift wasn't going home with anything other than a win and that's what he got after a long race in the dusty fields of Union SC.
The evening races are starting to become full of seemingly desperate riders, as the Pros would show us before they even made the third turn. Chris Jenks is claiming ground in this series and he is due but Bill Balance hasn't decided to stand back and watch either. The pair rounded the first pin and watching through the lens I could just stand in amazement as neither backed the throttle coming into turn two. Bill pushed and prodded his way into the tight turn but the only problem was Jenks had already made the down payment on that dirt. Bill claims he gets beat on out in the woods by Borich but I think the champ could have fell in behind Jenks to save what most would say could have taken them both out. With the back of our series champs quad in the air I kept snapping the shots. Chris Borich snuck out and around the pair and gained some ground but not for long. Chris Jenks had to gather himself a little and get back moving but the day had already started to unwind for the number four Pro. Jenks would break not far on into the race and end another day at the track in disappointment. The front is where you want to be when running the speeds these guys keep. Tree stumps are not something you want to appear out of nowhere at the pinned out top of one of these four strokes and in this dust it was just a matter of time.
So Borich would get another race win and with Balance in the second spot that left Chris Bithell to take up the slack. Bithell is secretly gaining ground and I believe this kid could get a first with a little more time. Adam McGill is also workin his "guns" to get the front place position from these glory hogs! Borich and Balance had a secret code to pulling away from the pack last year but I think a few of the others have been taking notes as the gap gets tighter and tighter. The XC2 class is getting even more interesting as we watch Brandon Sommers take another class win. When will these guys learn to share! Ryan Lane, Donald Okerman and Richie brown wrapped up the next three places with David Crane making it five.
This series is getting faster and the riders are starting to get tired of finishing behind the "Killer B's" so I can tell you the action will only get better from here on out. The beating of aluminum and bone will continue as we travel west to the First lady of country music's home track in Hurricane Mills Tennessee and the Loretta Lynn Ranch. Come by and say "Howdy" as we continue our coverage of the Can-Am Grand National cross-country series. Until then ride safe and wear your head along with your helmet.
Sosebee's long gone!!