Lovell Racing Takes The Podium

Jun. 06, 2007 By Press Release
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Course B4
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Course B3
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Couse A3
The Lovell brothers have just returned from their latest event in Goldendale, WA. The third round of the WE-Rock Series saw the numbers in the Pro-Modified Class grow to 22, surpassing Unlimiteds. Brad states, “The competitions keeps getting tougher. At least half a dozen new modifieds have been built to the new rules.”

The increased competition was apparent when a bad move put the team in 10th position after day #1. The team had decent runs on their first 3 courses before lining up for B3, which was surely a make it or break it obstacle. The brothers twisted through the gates and focused on the final climb which was a notch with a massive boulder that high centered the vehicles. Onlookers gathered as Brad took several full throttle assaults at the rock. The Ranger rolled on the left side several times but each time was recoverable.  Rock flew as the FABTECH Ranger scrambled up the notch, charging to the finish. The crowd went wild, but as luck would have it, the clock ran out only feet from the finish. Discouraged but not beaten, the team returned to the pits to ready for day #2.

The second round of competition saw the team at their best. Deeming their first course un-drivable, Roger spooled out the WARN 9.0R. He explains, “We don’t take the easy way out, ever. The whole team had a big debate the night before, and it was decided that winching is indeed part of rockcrawling. We hesitated to pull the cable but it ended up being the right move.” From there, the team would not look back, making near perfect runs on their next 3 courses. The effort was good enough to seat the brothers in 5th and headed for the finals.

The finals course was long and snaking, quickly disqualifying the 6th place vehicle. “We had nobody to watch, and nothing to loose.” The Lovells efficiently threaded the Ranger through the rocks only taking a couple backs to line up for the optional bonus. Team Lovell had a great run and hoped to overcome the higher placing teams. It was a great run indeed and enough to push the pair into 3rd place.

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Chambon Sur Jeep

Before the team left for this event, Brad and family spent two weeks in France at the Chambon Sur Jeep Rendezvous. Brad comments, “What a pleasure it was to help grow the sport. A better time could not have been had, and I plan to closely follow developments in this area. A heartfelt thanks to those in France and Alloy USA for making it possible.” While Brad drank wine and nibbled cheese aside the scenic Rhone River, Roger raced the XRRA Cortez event. After posting respectable times on two courses, an instant indecision left him short on a dreaded double. The Alloy USA Ranger cart-wheeled down the course ending Roger’s race with a damaged track bar mount and bent cage. “See you at the next race,” was about all Roger had to say. 

The WE-Rock podium finish is enough to give Lovell Racing a 4 point lead in the series going into the final round – Donner, CA June 29th – July 1st. The team’s next event is an XRRA Rock Race, June 16th in their home town of Colorado Springs, CO. The brothers won this event last year and for the first time ever, will be racing each other!

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