Sha-Sha Shoes - Pimping Professionally

May. 01, 2003 By Fidel Gonzales

Oh what swing the mail man bring. Too bad a so called friend ordered the things a half-size too small, because your pal Crusty could have used them in an oh so interesting ploy to pluck the feathers from one fine feline. Wild red fur dressed her shoulders, and intense aqua eyes lit the moon on fire. I tell ya', life was looking good.

SLICK STYLING: For those of you still wearing penny loafers, it's time to upgrade. And don't even think about following your buddies into the age-old mod and zuit suit flashback era. It's over. Sha-Sha's got the in on the inside.

On the way back from a little spring fling at an old roost of his, your pal Crusty was a wreck. Late nights and one fateful strike to his game, Crusty just couldn't lift his name from the shame of one torturous turn down. And the thing was, I was had from the get go.

You see, I get a phone call from a friend, who says he's got a pair of shoes for the taking, if I am interested. "Sure, send them over," I say, noting that I am no less than a size 11.

"You ought to get them in about a week or so," Fidel said. "I'll call John and have them ship them downtown. Where is it you live again?"

Well, three weeks go by, and guess what? I get another call. "Hey, dude. Guess what? Didn't you say you were a size 11? You think you can squeeze into 10 1/2?"

"Not hardly, bub. Don't tell me you screwed me out of them Sha-Sha shoes," I replied. "I checked out there site. Out of site! Scrolled through a few write-ups on the net. Them be the shoes sucka! I was planning on taking them babies to Daytona, man."

CASUAL COMFORT: Say you're into not lacing up those shoes because you want that loose fit? Well, you've got the right shoe but the wrong idea. No bull. If you're into the style and even if you're not, Sha-Sha's have a unique fit that give you the feeling of floating down the boulevard. It may sound like some amped up charge, but if you're even the slightest bit interested in the shoe, slip on a pair and feel for yourself. You may be surprised. Fidel was.

"Oh, that sucks. Sorry, dude," was his seemingly remorseful reply.

Well, this is how it went down in Daytona. Just after I began to settle in for the five-day vacation and well into my third day of Bacardi bliss, life was again looking good. The first day's sunburn was wearing off, had the shades on, the shirt off, fluffed up my hairy, masculine chest and was wearing my beat up Mexican sandals that looked like they had been through Bosnia on its way back from Baghdad. They were looking rough, but it's my style, you see. For some reason, one suitcase of mine never made it on the flight, but that's a totally different story. Bottom line: I was out the threads.

We roll up into this footloose bar on the boardwalk before the sun goes down, me and an old high school buddy of mine, who hates Barry Manilow. It was early. Nothing much going on, until we were into it about a hundred bucks each. Then, things were picking up. Some rowdy ass band took the stage. The lead singer, some wet-behind-the-ears white kid from San Diego, had a missing "toof." And besides his grubby Bob Marley look-a-like hair do, it looked like he hadn't showered in weeks. He happened to sing just as well as the average shower singer, but the important part was that he was thinking he was cool. And Crusty's thinking that made all the difference in who he was.

Myself, p ushing the 40 mark in years, I was on the prowl for whatever I can get my Crusty hands on. And let's just say, Trusty Crusty can certainly hold his own.

INDUSTRIAL TRACTION: The treads provide for solid traction. On the concrete jungle or strolling on the wooden planks of the Santa Monica Pier, it's got grip. And because the shoe provides industrial traction without the industrial weight, charging through the army of Venice weirdoes ain't a daunting task. A light shoe makes quick, comfortable work of the task.

Just then, these three fine 20-something babes barge in, parking their rumps just behind our table in the corner. Gotta' love the logistics. As always, I'm quick to admit, "After all these years, Crusty's still got the game."

She was a nurse from New Jersey. Her red hair curled, laying south around her sweet spot. Her eyes captured me in their deep aqua blue. She had the laugh, the smile, the enthusiasm and had your pal Crusty's number. Of course, I made her beg for that, but that's just my style, and the ladies just love it.

Well, as I like to say, things were going well, until, of course, two dopey college boys stumble in. My freakin' jaw dropped when the lively looking red stood at attention to the punk's shoes. Pointing them out before the twerp could even sit down, she looked over at mine, the ones that had one of those million mile warranties on the tire tread sewn into the sole and took a jab at their decrepit stature.

A jab a Crusty dosn't go over too well, but beautiful red had her feisty self nestled deep in my heart, and I knew where she was coming from. Besides, it didn't hurt Crusty's sensitive side too bad, again, until of course, I realized the shoes that punk had were Sha-Sha's finest, the White Flames, making him look like a cross between Curt Cobain and Elvis Costello. DAMN!!! Duped again!!!

I've since ordered myself a pair of the Sha-Sha Golf shoes. The guys and I get together once a month to power down a few cold ones and race around belligerently on the gas-powered golf carts. With clubs in hand, we raise hell for a few hours and make it back to the clubhouse for cocktail hour.

I'm still pissed at Fidel's excuse for ordering the wrong size, but he'll get his. We'll call it, the Sha-Sha Redemption. Here's what the chump has to say for now:


Dude, I met up with John to give them shoes an All-American try. Tossing them in the back of the old Jeep, I was headed for home to live the coffin-like home life. Big deal, right? Just another pair of shoes. NOT!!!

John said, "Where the hell are you going? Let's see them shoes on you."

Grudgingly, I cracked open the box and gave them bad boys a try. Yikes!!! Outrageous!!! You would have been all over them, bro. I slid into them like I was sliding into easy street. Here I was thinking they were all show and no go. They're cush. It was like walking on cloud 9. No bull. I don't know that I've walked in anything this comfortable.

And check this out, Crust: No sooner did I slap them bad boys on, did John and I look over to see a hot honey and a desert fox in some bad-girl prerunner, staring them down.

I wasn't too sure about the Red Flames at first, but I'm liking the styling profile of them now. Oh, and by the way, where exactly is that G-Spot you were talking about?

By the way, thanks for the shoes!!!


Rump roast. That's like taking a switch to a man's pride. I've since got a hold of the Sha-Sha Golf Shoes. Has your pal Crusty's game improved? You bet your life it has. I just ordered my second pair that the UPS dude brought to my doorstep this morning. I ripped open the box and even the UPS dude was impressed. The 30-something surfer boy's first words: "Out of sight, man!"

You can't go wrong with the White Flame Tribal Boot. I'm hitting the streets in style tonight. Ladies, look out. Crusty's got the game and the Flame.


The Fire Guys, blasting through the desert like it is nobody's business, crank up the heat in the SCORE 7s Desert Series with their firestorm of support from racers, fans and now their ultra slick Sha-Sha Shoes sponsorship. Not to be outdone in the style department, Fire Guys Racing works the race course with the SK8 Flames.

Grab 'em if you got a pair! Get 'em if you need a pair! Longtime friends and Toyota rock crawling and off-road racing specialist, Advanced Off-Road Research (A.O.R.), stock the stylin' shoes for your complete Sha-Sha shoe shopping needs. Shop 'til you drop at A.O.R.. Tell 'em Crusty sent 'ya.

Sha-Sha Shoes' No Bull Report Card
  • Stomp hard and rage smooth as silk.
  • Don't miss one move with the ladies. Be the envy of others.
  • An ultra comfortable set of shoes that put spring in your thing.
  • Look cool even when you're looking like a wreck.
  • Walk tall and glide with pride. The ride is like a Cloud 9 ride.
  • They slip on smooth. Ride smooth. And fell real.
  • They are shoes that look alive.
  • They are casual everyday shoes that don't wear you out.
  • They got the G-Spot under control.
DANCE HALL OR MOSH PIT: Although Fidel doesn't speak much of it these days, his time in a mosh pit far outweighs his time in a dance hall, listening to some old dude kareoke to some weak ass Barry Manilow riff. Reflecting of those days, Fidel says, "I could have kicked some ass with these shoes beneath my feet. Let's see, before Guttermouth was cool and while at some backyard party, some homeboy threatened me with a chicken (poop) kitchen knife. Well, after I kicked his knee cap out from under him, I lightly pressed his face into the ground, grabbed the knife, cut open my hand, and dripped the blood in his eyes. I don't remember if it was because I thought that was cool or I was just plain stupid, but I got a kick out of it at the time, and quite accordingly, those were indeed the days of my youth. The band raged. Shoes have come a long way. Sha-Sha is here. Maybe sometime, I'll tell you about the Pennywise show, or better yet, there's always the last time I can remember the Circle Jerks playing down around Lawndale. Perhaps another day."
Sha-Sha Shoes

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