President's Day Weekend At Glamis 2000!

Nov. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF


  There's something about Prez Day Weekend at Glamis that always seems to bring out the rain... I'm thinking the Pagan Gods may have taken head to the naked revelers and their hedonistic campfire dances. Perhaps having mistaken their drunken howling as pleas for precipitation... A little water to go with that bourbon?

   Yup, the moon was full, the tides were high and the crowd was pretty strong, more people in fact than I have ever seen on Prez Day... A sign of a good strong economy and the discovery of the magnificent sport of off-roading...

   I could go on and on about the epic night rides under the full February moon, the sound of a Rotax motor when the nitrous button is mercilessly depressed, or the pungent aromas of freshly ignited C-112 spewing from uncapped headers.

   God, I love the smell of race gas in the morning... It smells like victory!

   Friday night was a little quiet at Comp Hill, a good thing all in all. After the long drive I have now down from Vegas it was perfect. An afternoon warm up ride, some chow, then a fast night ride the long way around to Competition Hill. Enjoying some refreshments and bench racing with the Boyz huddled around a nice toasty fire stoked with vintage VW cases certainly will fend off the winter chill. But looking up at the highway you could see the signs of a big weekend brewing. An almost endless procession of motorhomes and trailers was steadily pulling in... Saturday was gonna be big!

    Dateline... Feb. 19th, 2000, Oldsmobile Hill, Glamis CA.
   A wise old man once said one picture is worth one thousand words... If that's the case then you may wanna take a little break and go get yourself some ear plugs. Because this year Santa brought me a Nikon D1 digital camera to play with in the dez. I know how hard you all have been crying for me to get some tasty photos up here for all of you to slobber over.

   You asked for it... You got it. I'm going to shut up for once, and keep my story short and sweet. I'll let the photos do the talking. Plus after that hot ride from Boardmanville to the Sand Drags late Saturday afternoon with some hot young Pro Motocrossers, my knees are tired and I wanna go to bed. Have you seen my ice pack? Now these young studs didn't get anything over on this old crusty demon of the dirt, in fact I showed them a trick or two... But my knees have been cut on more than a recycled med school cadaver... Maybe one of these days I'll have to retire the bikes and quads and get a buggy... NOT!

   Go get yourself a big cold beer, a faster modem, and a big towel to clean up the mess you're gonna make cheezin' on some of these shots.

Babes! Bikes!


Jeeps n' Trucks!

Obnoxious Folks!


   Prez Day was epic... The BLM even almost behaved, almost. I think they may even be getting the hint. But not quickly enough...

   Saturday at the Sand Drags it took six BLM Rangers to roust a couple of 19 year old girls for an open bottle of beer. Talk about a menace to society! Get a clue guys, we don't need protection from a gaggle of college cheerleaders buzzed on Coors Light... Can't you find anything better to do with our hard earned tax dollars then to pick on teeny boppers? How about busting the REAL bad guys? Or are you just picking on someone your own size?

   I did see the Rangers jacking up some mosh pit types at the Hill Saturday night.  Good for them! By the look of these kids they could use a smack or two on the head. Maybe the BLM was just warming up on the cheerleaders  earlier that afternoon? I would like to get some feedback from you readers on the how well the BLM conducted themselves compared to some of their past goof ups. They need to know we're watching their conduct, they work for us. Don't let them ever forgot that.

   Saturday night things were jammin' at Comp. Despite the rain the crowd was almost as big as Turkey Day. As usual cruising up and down through the rows gets a little hairy once all the morons with their two wheel drives start getting stuck and blocking traffic. So we found a spot with a view in the back row. And enjoyed some 100 year old Jack while the crowd entertained us.  The pyrotechnical displays are always a blast! From bottle rockets to VW cases, to this grand display of white trash fun with fossil fuels  pictured on the right, there is always someone up to something crazy!

     After the hill we headed over to Boardmanville for last call. Seems that since Jeannie's running the place by herself she's staying open late, no more of that closing at dark with thirsty people yet to be served. She wanted me to get the word out that the doors are open late from now on. Be sure to swing by for a nightcap!

   A lot of folks bugged out Sunday with the rain and all, bless their little hearts 'cuz I got in some fast rides without them clogging up the bowls. I'd say I missed 'em, but that'd be a lie! And to those of you that stayed until the rain really started pounding down on Monday, we know what they missed!

       Hope you all had as great a weekend as I did! Enjoy the photos and I'll...

See you in the Dunes!
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