The Precisions Stabilizers Sweep every PRO Podium

Making it 4 races in a row where a Precision Stabilizer was the only stabilizer on the podium in this series.

May. 31, 2006 By Press Release

Lodi California - In the last round of National ATV races the Precision Stabilizer swept every podium spot. This includes the GNCC round 7 in Millfield Ohio where Jenks took his second win in a row with Bill Balance and Duane Johnson rounding out the top three, and the GNC MX round 7 where John Natalie, Joe Byrd and Jeremiah Jones took the top honors. Making it 4 races in a row where a Precision Stabilizer was the only stabilizer on the podium in this series.

The stabilizer was also on every top quad on both ends of the double header of the new WPSA series in London Kentucky where Jason Luburgh took his first podium of the season hours after bolting on the Precision stabilizer.

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