Ride Gear - Chest Protector

Oct. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
  CHEST PROTECTOR Chest protectors come in several types but are usually made of heavy plastic and are designed to absorb and dissipate any heavy blow to the chest or back. They can also help save the collar bone by absorbing the impact of a fall. These are to be worn on the outside of the jersey. If you ride in rocky terrain with others you will want to wear a chest protector or "flack jacket" to absorb the blows of rocks that are thrown by the tires of the rider in front of you. If you don’t you may come away with some nice bruises. Prices Range from $45 - $150.

[ Helmet | Goggles | Jersey | Chest Protector]
Kidney Belt | Gloves | Pants | Knee Pads | Boots ]

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