Opinion: Glamis Slobs - How hard is it to clean-up after yourself?

Sep. 01, 2005 By ORC STAFF
  This was left after a night race.

      Trash at the Glamis sand dunes has always been a huge problem. It seems a lot of people simply don’t care what happens to their trash. When your finished with a beverage just toss it on the ground, someone will pick up after you right? Unfortunately this is true because the majority of the dune users ARE responsible enough to carry their own trash out. These same people want to see their dunes clean and end up picking up after these ‘Glamis Slobs’.

      The most recent episode was with a group of hill racers from Planet Sand.com this past weekend, 8/27/05. This group gets together usually during the full moons of the summer months at Oldsmobile Hill. They set-up lights and proceeded to sling sand to see who is king of the hill. This is fine and a perfect way for dune users to recreate, BUT this event is getting to be better known and it brings out many spectators that fall into the ‘Glamis Slob’ category.

      During this past weekend we have 1st hand accounts of the above mentioned ‘slobbyness’. There are some people that live at the dunes or very close to them. We were informed that 2 of these people visited Oldsmobile Hill on Thursday, 8/25/05. They were amazed to see all the trash left behind. They found items ranging from beer cans, a pop-up canopy frame, and even a burnt recliner. They ended up hauling this trash away. These same people returned to Oldsmobile Hill Friday, 8/26/05 and found the hill area to still be clean. Saturday, 8/27/05 the Planet Sand group moved in for the evening. Sunday, 8/28/05 the base of Oldsmobile Hill was trashed again! What gives? Is it so hard to put your empty beer can back into the cooler it came out of and take it home or to a trash can? When you’re at home do you toss your trash on your living room floor? 

      Don’t get me wrong, I am sure the promoters of this event don’t condone trashing the hill with beer cans, fuel cans, bottles, oil containers, cigarette butts, and anything else these ‘Glamis Slobs’ carry out with them to the base of the hill; but how about a little ‘self policing’?  

      Another point; the group from Planet Sand are NOT the only problem. They were simply the most recent which prompted this little rant. Just about every weekend, especially during the dune season, Oldsmobile Hill, along with other areas, gets trashed. Some people are simply SLOBS! These are the people that ruin it for the responsible folk that are man enough to bring their empties back to camp and properly dispose of them.  

      The enviros are watching and they need less and less ammo everyday to shut down the entire dune system because of slobs! Then where would you go? Planet Sand people: most of you will probably only see this as an attack on your group. As stated above you are not the only group.

      This has been ‘just another rant’ about the trash at Glamis that will fall on the deaf ears of those it is mostly aimed towards.

The slobs are being watched!

Tell us what you think about the Glamis slobs.
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